Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 3: Flora & Fauna


1. Mad Goose; 9.24.2010; 12:15 p.m.; Rexburg, ID; f/5.6; 1/1000;
Sony DSC-H7; Sizing in Photoshop
2. Purple Hollyhock; 9.24.2010; 1:20 p.m.; Rexburg, ID; f/4.0; 1/250; 
Sony DSC-H7; Sizing in Photoshop
3. Floating Duck; 9.24.2010; 12:05 p.m.; Rexburg, ID; f/5.0; 1/500; 
Sony DSC-H7; Sizing in Photoshop
4. Purple Pansy; 9.24.2010; 1:16 p.m.; Rexburg, ID; f/5.6; 1/800; 
Sony DSC-H7; Sizing in Photoshop
5. Mallard: 9.24.2010; 12:20 p.m.; Rexburg, ID; f/4.5; 1/125; 
Sony DSC-H7; Sizing in Photoshop
6. Lilly; 9.24.2010; 1:26 p.m.; Rexburg, ID; f/4.0; 1/60;
Sony DSC-H7; Sizing in Photoshop

Working with animals, especially geese, is hard. When we got this assignment, I decided to go to the nature pond. Unfortunately, I couldn't get close enough to any of the ducks without scaring them away. Luckily, a family showed up with bread to feed the ducks, and they all came ashore. The first picture was taken of a big goose (you can't tell in the picture, but it was actually the size of a 4 year old child). I got a little too close to the goose, and it began to flap its wings and squawk at me (Don't worry, I got away before it could bite). All of the pictures were taken with a Sony camera from the library. It was bright outside, so I generally used an aperture around 5.0. Other than sizing, no other editing was done to the pictures.

Week 3: Flexible Edits

1. Lily Pads; 9.24.2010; 1:26 p.m.; Rexburg, ID; f/4.5; 1/500; 
Sony DSC-H7; Brightening and sizing in Photoshop 

I took this picture in the campus gardens. When taking the picture, I focused in on the lily pads, so the water and shadow were dark. To lighten the water in the second picture, I used the Adjustment Layers in Photoshop. Under the Adjustment Layer icon, I selected levels. Then, in the blending mode palette, I chose screen. Doing this once didn't lighten the water enough. So, I copied the layer to double the effect. This completely washed out the lily pads, but made the water lighter. So, I masked the lily pads on each layer to give back the color from the original picture. 

1. John Deere; 9.24.2010; 1:25 p.m.; Rexburg, ID; f/4.0; 1/160; 
Sony DSC-H7; Filter effect and sizing in Photoshop

This picture was also taken on campus in the gardens. To make the John Deere vehicle look like a  painting, I converted the first picture into a smart object in Photoshop. Then, I went to filters and added the palette knife effect to the image. I wanted the John Deere car to stand out, so I masked the filter on the trees and surrounding grass.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Week 2: Blending & Type Face


1. Lace; 9.17.2010; 4:32 p.m.; Rexburg, ID; f/2.8; 1/50; Sonny DSC-H50; Sizing in Photoshop
2. Midnight Blue; 9.17.2010; 2:36 p.m.; Rexburg, ID; f/2.8; 1/40; Sonny DSC-H50; 
Sizing in Photoshop

Before merging these two photos together, I first edited each image in Photoshop. For the guitar, I lightened the image using the brightness tool under image adjustments. For the lace, I isolated only the blue by using the channels tab. Then, I merged the blue lace color and the guitar together. To do this, I placed the lace on a layer on top of the Guitar. Then, I selected vivid light under the layer tab to blend the images. Finally, I took the lace off of everything except the guitar and case by using a mask.


1. Rexburg Temple; 9.17.2010; 2:56 p.m.; Rexburg, ID; f/8.0; 1/200; Sizing and type in Photoshop

Before adding type to this photo, I sized it in Photoshop. Then, I used the Type tool to add the font. I selected Snell, in bold, for the font and sized the main title at 290 pt. The subtitle was sized at 100 pt. Next, I selected the overlay blending mode under the layer drop box to blend the titles. I then copied each title once to darken the effect.

Week 2: Color Study

1. Field Grass; 9.17.2010; 2:21 p.m.; Rexburg, ID; f/5.6; 1/320; Sony DSC-H50; Sizing in Photoshop
2. Popcorn; 9.17.2010; 4:14 p.m.; Rexburg, ID; f/2.8; 1/40; Sony DSC-H50; Sizing and brightening in Photoshop
3. Paradise; 9.17.2010; 4:53 p.m.; Rexburg, ID; f/8.0; 1/60; Sony DSC-H50; Sizing and brightening in Photoshop
4. Yellow Rose; 9.17.2010; 2:37 p.m.; Rexburg, ID; f/3.2; 1/2000; Sony DSC-H50; Sizing in Photoshop

The color yellow is one of my favorite colors. It often makes me feel bright and happy. It is also found everywhere in nature. For the picture of the popcorn and the paradise building, I increased the brightness a little in Photoshop. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the exposure button on the Sony camera from the library. So, those two pictures were a little dark. The other two picture had no editing changes.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week 1: Past Photos

1. Halloween; 10.29.2007; 9:08 p.m.; Rexburg, ID; f/3.2; 1/60; Canon Powershot A560; Sizing in Photoshop
2. Mount Rushmore; 8.3.2008; 1:34 a.m.; Keystone, SD, f/3.5; 1/1140; HP Photosmart E 427; Sizing in Photoshop
3. Melissa; 8.3.2008; 3:29 p.m.; Keystone, SD, f/3.5; 1/247; HP Photosmart E 427; Sizing in Photoshop
4. Shoes; 2.13.2009; 9;07 a.m.; Rexburg, ID; f/2.8; 0.178571; Nikon E3200; Sizing in Photoshop
5. Caleb; 6.12.2010; 1:45 p.m.; Carey, ID; f/10.6; 1/125; Samsung Techwin KENOX S730; Sizing in Photoshop

These photos were taken in three different locations: Rexburg, Carey, and South Dakota. The pumpkin picture is the oldest, and the picture of my husband Caleb is the most recent. All of these photos were taken with various point and shoot cameras. Unfortunately, I do not own a camera of my own. So, I had to borrow the cameras of others to take these shots. My favorite photo is the picture of my husband. This was taken on or first fishing trip together.